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Parent Partnership

Communication with parents:

Communication with parents is a vital part of your child's learning journey at Dunkirk. We will work with yourselves as part of a team to make sure that your child's transition from home to school is a happy and enjoyable one. Alongside regular conversations with staff at pickup and drop off, we will also communicate with you in the following ways:

Communication Books:

Communication books are a great way for us to regularly update you on what we are supporting your child with at school. All our children have a personalised communication book which goes between school and home. We will let you know your child's personalised, individual target and how you can support this learning at home. You can then let us know how your child is mastering this skill at home by writing messages or sharing photos with us on Class Dojo.

Class Dojo:

When you join Dunkirk Primary School, your child will come home with a log in code for Class Dojo. Please do sign in and create an account as this is our main way of communicating with you.

Each week you will get an update, with photos, on what we have been learning that week. If you would like to send any photos to us, to show us any 'wow' moments from home, we would love to see them.


Within Dojo, you can also send private messages to your class teacher. This is a great way to communicate with us or ask us questions. We check our messages twice a week. Only the teacher you have selected to message can see the message. If you need to contact us urgently, as always, you can call the school office, and we will arrange to call you back as soon as we can. We are also on our gate morning and afternoon if you would like to catch us there! Please do let us know if you have any difficulty setting up your account, we are here to help.