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Reception Ready:

What can you do to support your child in being 'Reception ready':

One of the biggest questions we get asked is how parents can support their child in being ready for starting school full time. We will have a welcome meeting with you before your child starts school at Dunkirk. We also offer a number of transition days in the summer term to allow your child to get used to the environment before September. During these times you can talk to your child's teacher to discuss specific needs pertaining to your child. You can also look at our website to see how to support your child in learning phonics and their early Maths skills. Click here for how to support your child with phonics and click here for how to support your child with maths. However, here are a few general tips which apply to most children:

Read to your child

Sharing stories with your child and developing their vocabulary is one of the most important things you can do. Not only is it a great way to spend time together, it helps promote language, literacy and brain development. 

Set simple tasks

In Reception children are often expected to assist with tasks such as tidying up toys or handing out cups for snack time. Giving your child some age appropriate friendly tasks at home can really help with this and is also a great way of building up their confidence and independence in preparation for starting school full time.

Develop Independence

Our free flow times are both inside and outside. This means that children regularly need to put on and take off their coats, hats, scarves and gloves. The sooner they can become independent in these activities, the easier it is for them to enjoy everything that our wonderful unit has to offer. Alongside this, it is also very important that your child practices becoming independent with their toileting needs as staff do not take children to the toilet in Reception. Practise teaching your child how to wipe themselves and wash their hands independently. 

Settling in and remaining positive

We know that starting Reception can be a massive adjustment even if your child has been in a nursery provision before. Nursery provisions often have very small class sizes compared to a class of 30 children in Reception. During your child's first week, we carry out a part-time timetable which ensures that your child's transition into Reception is a smooth and happy one. During these times, positive conversations about what your child likes at Reception can support them in settling in more quickly. 

Be on time

We know that life can be hectic, however, the first part of our Reception sessions are vitally important in supporting your child in settling in. Completing the register and a morning task helps your child get into the 'school mindset' ready to continue their learning for the rest of the day. Being late can cause stress and worry for your child preventing them from having the best experience they can.