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Mango Class Showcase

Check out our blog posts below and find out some of the fun things we've been getting up to in Mango Class this year!

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  • Awesome Archery

    Published 22/05/24, by Catherine Usherwood

    Throughout the Spring Term, we were very lucky to have Daniel from Premier Education come to run a special PE session each week. As we had been learning about Robin Hood, Daniel taught us how to be archers - firing bows and arrows!

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  • Sherwood Forest Trip

    Published 22/05/24, by Catherine Usherwood

    We had the most amazing time on our visit to Sherwood Forest. We started the day by taking a coach to Sherwood - we saw all sorts of amazing things along the way. When we arrived, Maid Marian met us to take us on a tour of the forest.

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  • Creating with clay!

    Published 22/05/24, by Catherine Usherwood

    Mango Class have been squashing, squeezing and manipulating clay to create our own Sherwood Forest. We took inspiration from the artist Barbara Hepworth and the large scale sculptures that she has created. 

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  • Money, Money, Money!

    Published 25/01/23, by Catherine Usherwood

    Throughout Year 2, we have been following the Power Maths scheme. Our most recent unit was all about money. 

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  • Science - Waterproofing investigation

    Published 25/01/23, by Catherine Usherwood

    This term, we have been investigating the properties of materials. We have run experiments to see which materials absorb the most water and thought about why some materials are more suitable than others for particular uses. The children were curious to know whether the properties of a material could change, so we tested this by drawing wax crayon onto paper. The results showed us that the was is waterproof but the paper was absorbent. It also meant that we could create some beautiful artwork using this technique! Take a look at the pictures we created below.

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  • Emotional Literacy

    Published 14/12/22, by Catherine Usherwood

    This term, we have been creating paintings in the style of Franz Kline, Willem de Kooning and Jackson Pollock. Whilst creating these paintings, we have been thinking about different emotions: happiness, sadness and anger. We have represented these emotions by painting with different colours, brush strokes and movements. 



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  • London's Burning!

    Published 14/12/22, by Catherine Usherwood

    This term we have been learning about the Great fire of London and built our own Tudor houses. We lined them up, close together like the houses on pudding lane would have been and set fire to them. We could see how the fire spread so quickly between the houses in 1666 - our cardboard houses quickly turned to ash!

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