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Rowan Class Showcase

Take a look at the amazing work Rowan class have been doing. They have worked so hard to create some fantastic work. We are so proud of all the hard work they are doing. Join with us in celebrating their achievements.

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  • Beware the Vikings!!!

    Published 22/05/24, by Jason Lees

    We studied the rise and fall of the Viking era in the Spring Term!!!

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  • A Trip to Ancient Egypt in our Autumn Term

    Published 14/01/24, by Jason Lees

    The Nile and beyond

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  • Immersion to another world!!!

    Published 19/09/23, by Jason Lees

    First Week in Year 3: Class of 23/24

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  • Summer Term

    Published 27/07/23, by Jason Lees

    Purifying Water, Yummy Soup and an Act of Kindness

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  • Spring Term

    Published 03/03/23, by Jason Lees

    Run! It's the Vikings!

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  • Autumn Term

    Published 02/12/22, by Admin

    Mummified tomato anyone?

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