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Ramadan Mubarak

Our weekly RE lessons provide the children in Year 1 with lots of interesting things to think about and the children are beginning to develop their questioning and debating skills in a simple way. 

This week we talked about Muslims and why they are fasting and praying during the time of Ramadan.


We compared this to the other times that we have discussed fasting. Such as Jesus fasting in the desert and how fasting can help us to understand how it might feel to be hungry all the time. The children are learning that although lots of people have a religious belief, we do not have to be religious to show care and charity to others. Many Muslim people will be giving money during the time of Ramadan, but other people also gave lots of money to charity for Red Nose Day (Comic Relief). 

We combined R.E and D.T to create woven prayer mats. The patterned strips showed geometric Islamic patterns and the children added their own drawings and doodles, including some of Spiderman!