
This year our school theme is ‘Community’. All classes will be exploring this theme all year. It will be part of our curriculum, the school environment, our international links, whole school events, our work with parents and the wider community. We would like all members of our school community to join us with this work!
This theme is particularly relevant as we move into a new chapter of our journey as a school. With new leadership and the continued expansion of our school, it feels like a good time to explore what makes our Dunkirk Primary Community a special and unique place to be and how can move forward to become a stronger community.
Children and teachers have already been planning exciting curriculum activities that will happen over the next year. The work happening in classes will include exploring ourselves as individuals and how we connect to the people around us, creating a sense of community within classes, strengthening the links across the two school sites and finding opportunities for the school to connect more actively with our local and global communities.
Children and teachers have identified many ‘Big Questions’ they would like to explore about ‘Community’ including:
Why do people have to leave their communities?
How can we make our community more welcoming?
What is belonging?
How do charities help communities?
Do we need borders to divide up our world community?
Who helps us and keeps us safe in our community?
Why is it important to have rules?
What sorts of groups, teams and communities do I belong to?
What do we celebrate together?
What makes me, me?
How do you build a community?
Why do teams fall out?
What happens when communities go wrong?
How can we help each other?
How do we help people who are lonely?
What is an ideal community?
How do animal communities work together to survive?
Do communities need a leader?
Who makes communities happen?
These questions and many others will lead to activities in all subject areas. There will also be many Community school projects and events happening that parents and families can get involved in. So keep an eye on the website and the letters that come home to find out more about what’s happening in school! We are all very excited about this theme and hope it will create many opportunities to celebrate our school community and help us all work together more closely!