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Welcome to the Dunkirk Primary School Science page! Here you will find all the information you need to know about your child's scientific learning journey, including; why we teach science, how it is taught in school, enabling your child to get better at science and the impact the science curriculum has. 

In order to support your child on their journey, moving from a novice scientist to an expert scientist, we ensure that the following intent is embedded across your child's learning journey. 

Why Kapow Science?

At Dunkirk, we are always taking account of the research into pupils' learning. As such, we are constantly reflecting on our own practise and how we embed our pedagogy into all of our curriculum subjects. We are in the process of implementing a new scheme of work - Kapow Science, for Years 1-6. We feel that this scheme matches our pedagogical beliefs by; incorporating small steps of learning, regular retrieval activities to embed learning, explicit worked examples and a commitment to helping change the world through Take Action lessons. Kapow's approach is:

Each year group has a clear overview of the learning for the year. The Year 1 example is shown below:


The long term plan curriculum map provides staff with a clear outline of what will be learnt when. It covers both the substantive and the disciplinary knowledge required for each year group. 

The disciplinary knowledge (skills of working scientifically) is split into eight key areas:

  • Asking questions
  • Planning
  • Making observations
  • Taking measurements
  • Gathering, recording and classifying data
  • Presenting findings
  • Answering questions 
  • Evaluating (KS2)

Each block of work comes with a medium term plan which identifies the small steps of learning which will happen within that unit of work. This information is then broken down into short term plans which includes the following information:

  • Notes and guidance 
  • Things to look out for
  • Key Questions
  • Enquiry Questions
  • National Curriculum links
  • Key vocabulary
  • Practical ideas
  • Factual Knowledge
  • Labelled diagrams
  • Worksheets

This means that teachers can focus solely on how they teach, rather than what they teach. 


Why not take a look at some of the wonderful work our pupils have been doing? 

Pupils at Dunkirk love learning about science in practical ways! Wonderful discussions, questioning and scientific experimentation ensure that all pupils have the vocabulary, knowledge and confidence to talk about natural phenomenon. 

Year 1: Classifying animals


Year 1: Comparing materials - which materials mix and which don't, recording our predictions and which materials will keep Teddy dry? 


Year 3: Using our disciplinary and enquiry skills to find out if the length of femur has an impact on the distance we can jump and if different surfaces have an impact on the distance a toy car will travel.