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Religious Education


Welcome to the Dunkirk Primary School RE page for all the information you need about your child's Religious Education learning journey. Dunkirk Primary is a wonderful school, full of pupils from countries from all over the world, who speak a huge variety of languages and practise many religions. We celebrate and cherish this amazing diversity and are dedicated to teaching a full and rich RE curriculum. 

In order to support your child's learning journey, the following intent is embedded in our delivery of the RE curriculum.

Our progression of skills comes from the Nottingham Agreed Syllabus document which outlines the specific learning that your child will receive in school in each year. As well as this, our RE leaders have created a long term plan and meet with class teachers to create a medium-term plan, supporting them in delivering a high quality RE curriculum. Our long-term plan which covers what your child will learn and when, can be found by clicking this link. While it is aligned with the Nottingham Agreed Syllabus, our subject leads have carefully ensured that our teaching is relevant and purposeful to the pupils of Dunkirk.  

What our pupils think about their RE education:

Take a look at some of the wonderful things our pupils have been up to this year.