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Welcome to the Dunkirk Primary School Music page! On this page you will find all the information that you need to know about our music curriculum and your child's musical journey at Dunkirk. From choirs to band, recorders to strings, rap to classical and signing singing assemblies (find the link below)... We love music! As a school, we have pupils from all around the world and as such, we are lucky enough to experience a huge variety music styles, artists and composers.

Here is our music intent statement - why we teach music! 

As a school, we feel it is crucial that your child receives an outstanding education. We have trained staff who support and enable quality first teaching across all areas of the music curriculum, delivering a curriculum designed by experts in musical education. In years 4 and 5, we offer all pupils the opportunity to learn either, the violin, viola or cello, in conjunction with our local music hub. 

We use the scheme Charanga to teach your child the full Model Music Curriculum. Here you will find the progression of skills that your child will learn as they progress through the years at Dunkirk:

In EYFS, we ensure that we lay a strong foundation for your child's future musical learning journey by:

  • Engaging all of our pupils with music
  • Using singing as a tool to embed other areas of the curriculum
  • Utilise a variety of adult led and child initiated activities
  • A strong emphasis on nursery rhymes and action songs
  • Supporting the developmental changes that are happening in their lives


Pupils at Dunkirk think Music at Dunkirk is:


Take a look at some of our music curriculum in practice: