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Palm Class Showcase

 We love celebrating the amazing work that Palm class do! Take a look at the pages below and join us in celebrating how awesome they are! 

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  • We made our very own Time Machine!

    Published 23/03/23, by Admin

    As part of our topic on Jasper Johnson's Time Machine, we have had a go at making out very own! We had to think really carefully about how we make a 2D sheet into a 3D object, how we can attach objects and how we can incorporate moving parts like dials to make sure we travel to the right time! We tried lots of different ideas to see which would work best and then applied them to our final creation!Take a look at the wonderful work we created! 

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  • We love Science!

    Published 23/03/23, by Admin

    Science is great fun in Year 1 and we have done some amazing work this half-term! We had a go at completing our own experiment all about the exploration of different materials to investigate their waterproof qualities and absorbency. What would happen if Teddy found himself out in a shower? What material could we use to make him a coat, that would keep him dry? We made our predictions and then got to work, testing and investigating and then recorded our results. We also had a go exploring different liquids and seeing which would mix and which wouldn't! 

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  • RE learning

    Published 23/03/23, by Admin

    During our recent work on Myself and Caring for others from the Nottingham RE Syllabus, pupils have been building on their sense of individuality learnt in reception. They have been thinking about how they can care for others within the community by taking inspiration from religious stories. Pupils have been understanding; the significance of Shrove Tuesday and learning about how Jesus helped and cared for the sick; Mother's Day and how this relates to Lent; fasting during Lent and Ramadan and why people fast; the significance of Ramadan and how Muslims show care to their wider community; and the significance of Easter and why Christians celebrate Easter. 

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  • Stone Age Exploration

    Published 19/01/23, by Admin

    Our topic this term is based on Cave Baby by Julia Donaldson. We have been on a whirlwind adventure exploring the different periods of time we know. From the Dinosaurs to Covid 19 we have been playing and learning about these different times in history. 

    We had lots of fun creating our own timeline, thinking about where periods of time would go. We were amazed that there was such a big gap between the start of time and the dinosaurs!!!! We then had an amazing time exploring real life Stone Age artefacts, discussing wether they were old or new, how we knew and describing the similarities and differences. Take a look at some of our amazing work...

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  • Celebrations and Festivals

    Published 19/01/23, by Admin

    At Dunkirk we learn about a huge variety of celebrations and festivals. This term our enquiry question has been: Who celebrates what and why? Even though our main curriculum focus has been Christianity and Judaism, we have also focussed on non-religious celebrations and celebrations practised by other faiths in our school community. As a multi-cultural school, we believe it is important to learn about and respect all faiths and we love the children to give examples of big days in their lives, talking about why it is special to them. 

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  • Lenton...

    Published 19/01/23, by Admin

    As part of our Create project, we went on an adventure to look at our local area. We wanted to see all the different buildings in Lenton and then re-create them back at school in the style of 'Brown Rabbit goes in the City'. Take a look at our adventure and awesome art work! 

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  • Science!

    Published 10/11/22, by Admin

    We love Science in Year 1! This half-term we are learning all about animals and how to categorise them. We had great fun searching our nature garden for hidden mini-beasts. We then took them back to class (in a safe way) and made some fantastic observations of the animals. Discussions were rich in scientific vocabulary and the children did an amazing job talking about all the different parts they could see. 

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  • Create!

    Published 10/11/22, by Admin

    In Year 1, we love developing our creative skills! We do this by exploring using a variety of different tools and techniques. This term, we have been utilising a range of techniques to create artwork related to our story Brown Rabbit and cross curricular subjects, like RE. By exploring both city and country environments, the pupils have selected the tools that they want to create a particular effect. 

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