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Oak Class Showcase

Check out our blog posts below and find out some of the fun things we've been getting up to in Oak Class this year!


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  • Fruit Salad

    Published 22/05/24, by Molly Dennis

    Year 2 prepare and enjoy a Papua New Guinean fruit salad!

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  • Toilet roll bird feeders!

    Published 27/09/23, by Catherine Usherwood

    Year 2 make bird feeders!

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  • The Legend of Robin Hood

    Published 25/01/23, by Catherine Usherwood

    In Theme, we have been learning about the Legend of Robin Hood. We have learnt all about the History of the Medieval Period, the features of a castle and the Geography of Nottingham and Sherwood Forest. We have also looked at evidence to help us decide whether Robin Hood was real or not!

    Below are some examples of fantastic Robin Hood inspired instruction writing from Year 2.


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  • Science - Testing the absorbancy of different materials

    Published 25/01/23, by Catherine Usherwood

    In Science this term, we have been exploring different materials and their properties. We conducted a fair experiment to test which material would be the most absorbent - microfibre cloth, felt or and tissue. We made predictions prior to the experiment and unanimously voted the tissue would be the least absorbent, with the class split over microfibre cloth or felt for being the most! For all groups, it was discovered that the felt was the material that absorbed the most water, making it the best material to soak up a spill! 

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  • London's Burning!

    Published 14/12/22, by Catherine Usherwood

    This term we have been learning about the Great fire of London and built our own Tudor houses. We lined them up, close together like the houses on pudding lane would have been and set fire to them. We could see how the fire spread so quickly between the houses in 1666 - our cardboard houses quickly turned to ash!

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  • Emotional Literacy

    Published 14/12/22, by Catherine Usherwood

    This term, we have been creating paintings in the style of Franz Kline, Willem de Kooning and Jackson Pollock. Whilst creating these paintings, we have been thinking about different emotions: happiness, sadness and anger. We have represented these emotions by painting with different colours, brush strokes and movements.

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