School Organisation Proposals for Dunkirk Primary School
You may have seen in the local press or heard of a proposal by the City Council to re-open the former Lenton Primary School buildings, due to the increased demand for school places in the City.
It is proposed to increase the size of Dunkirk Primary School from 210 places to 420 places, using the former Lenton Primary School site on Lenton Boulevard, in addition to the existing Marlborough Street site, from September 2012.
It is proposed the Lenton Boulevard site will provide up to 30 Reception and 30 Year 1 places for the first year (2012/13) and grow each year as a new Reception class is admitted. The Marlborough site will
continue to have up to 30 children in each year group. It is not proposed to move any pupils from the Marlborough Street site to the Lenton Boulevard site.
Work is now underway at the Lenton Site to get the building ready for opening in September 2012
Please keep checking this page for further information as we will be updating it regularly