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The Dunkirk ACT curriculum enables children to have knowledge of the world that deepens and inspires thinking, allowing for curiosity, questioning and critical reflection. Pupils have knowledge of the British and European impact on the wider world, learning from the past, to become global citizens who have a positive impact on their community. A range of skills are taught, to allow pupils to create outcomes that showcase all aspects of their learning. They are empowered to take action by having the voice, confidence and ability to challenge prejudices, discrimination and inequality, to make the world a better place.  Staff ensure success for all pupils by providing a curriculum that reduces cognitive load, enables them to remember more and allows pupils to build upon and connect knowledge.

An ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum is facilitated through every subject by utilising our ACT curriculum as the main driver. Our curriculum is designed to ensure success for all, particularly our disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND. By utilising a range of purposeful assessment methods, alongside staff's fantastic knowledge of our pupils, we ensure that all pupils receive the necessary feedback to succeed.

Use the tabs to see examples of each area in practise 

About the world

This area includes the specific subject knowledge that pupils will learn throughout their time at Dunkirk. It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. By knowing more and remembering more through reducing cognitive load, daily retrieval practice and ensuring that the taught knowledge is broken down into small chunks which are taught systematically and explicitly, our pupils will have a strong understanding of concepts which is embedded into their long term memory, allowing them to apply it fluently. 


This area involves the application of pupils expert knowledge through a variety of skills. By utilising explicit worked examples, staff will be able to support pupils to represent their knowledge successfully utilising a variety of mediums. By building upon previous learning, pupils can work towards a clearly defined end point which results in a variety of high quality work. 

Take Action

The final area of our curriculum, but the most important area, allows pupils to utilise all of their knowledge and skills to become confident, empowered learners who can make a difference to the world, developing in many diverse aspects of life. Giving pupils a voice, allowing them to challenge discrimination, think critically and stand up for what they believe is right, ensures that we are allowing our pupils to engage in a lifelong journey of personal development. We will ensure that pupils are well-prepared for their adult lives, playing an active, responsible and respectful role in the wider community. 

Each term, pupils will engage in a specific project which will support our aim.

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Please look at the video below, to find out more about The Dunkirk ACT curriculum! 


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