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Safeguarding in the curriculum

Welcome to the Dunkirk Primary School Safeguarding in the Curriculum page! Here at Dunkirk safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do! We are committed to ensuring that our children are safe, happy and healthy individuals. Our Safeguarding Curriculum is woven through the subjects we teach as the golden thread which prepares our children socially and emotionally for life in Modern Great Britain and the wider world. 

As part of our commitment to promoting safeguarding through the curriculum, we have mapped out where the different aspects of safeguarding are taught in our curriculum. Sometimes, this is explicitly through RHSE lessons or specific notable weeks. However, we often teach safeguarding incidently through our other subjects as a way of embedding the learning and creating a culture of safety within school. 


Take a look at our intent: 

Safeguarding in the Curriculum Overview

By clicking on this link, you can access an overview document explaining each area of our safeguarding curriculum and how it is addressed throughout school curriculum. Here is an example: 

Safeguarding in the Curriculum Map

By clicking on this link, you can access our curriculum map. This states how and when children learn about these areas of the curriculum throughout the year. An example page can be viewed below: