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We are delighted to be able to share with you the outcomes from our recent Ofsted report (2nd November 2022) for our Dunkirk Fun Club: Wraparound Care. Ofsted no longer give childcare overall grades, like good or outstanding; the new system is simply recorded as “met”, or “not met”. Of course, we have “met” all the Ofsted requirements, and I hope you will take time to read our outstanding report.

As you can see, it is full of praise for the high quality;

  • Safety,
  • Safeguarding,
  • Play provision,
  • Quality of environment.

We wanted to take the time now to draw your attention to some of the areas that were specifically highlighted by the inspector:

  • Children are happy at the Fun Club, they smile and laugh together frequently
  • Children’s views are valued and they are encouraged to be independent
  • Staff promptly ask children about their day and how they are feeling
  • Staff join in with children’s games and laugh with children
  • Children are encouraged to be creative
  • Parents are happy and say that club supports their needs as a family
  • Children thoroughly enjoy interactions with staff

As you know, school and childcare work very closely together, and from the report, we were all very pleased to see the words that mean a lot to us in the Dunkirk Fun Club: Wraparound Care and Dunkirk Primary School: happy, safe, supported, encouraged, creative and independent.

Ofsted gave us no targets for improvement, but just like school, we are always striving to further develop, and our next project is to upgrade our outdoor rear garden area.

If you are interested in joining us in Breakfast Club (7.30am – school start) or Afterschool Club (School end – 6pm), we currently have a few spaces available and would very much like to welcome you. Please contact myself, Jamie Curtis, Wraparound Care Manager, on with any enquires.

Please take some time to read the fantastic report we received (see attached report)