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Whether you are starting with us in Nursery, Reception or are an in-year transfer, or want to apply to our school, please find the information below.

Applying for a place at Dunkirk Primary School

Admissions places to Dunkirk Primary are managed by the Nottingham City (Local Authority) Admissions Department.

Applying for any other year

Appealing against a school placement decision

Sometimes you get given a place you do not want when your preferred school is full. You can appeal this decision by clicking here:

Dunkirk Primary Admission Arrangements

Dunkirk Primary and Nursery School has two campuses, Highfield's campus (Marlborough Street, NG7 2LE) and Abbey Campus (Lenton Boulevard, NG7 2ET). At this stage of the process, parents and carers are applying for a place at Dunkirk Primary & Nursery School and not for a specific campus.

Once the Local Authority has allocated school places and parents have been informed, the Head Teacher and Governors will meet to decide campus allocations. Pupils who have gained a place at Dunkirk Primary and Nursery School could be offered a place at either the Highfield's campus or Abbey campus.

The attached policy below provides further information on how Nottingham City Admissions Department will allocate places and the criteria the Head Teacher and Governors will use to determine allocation to either Highfield's Campus or Abbey Campus.

At this time, Nursery, Reception, Year 1, 2 and 3 are at Abbey Campus, and Year 4, 5 and 6 are at Highfield's Campus.

The Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception Year)

The school has a three foundation classes, which are called Fig, Willow and Apple. Fig are our nursery children and are three and four year olds, and attend part time. In the September after children turn 4, they can start in our reception classes, Willow and Apple, where the older four and five year olds attend full time.

Children are accepted into Fig class soon after their third birthday and are offered either a morning or afternoon place. We provide an extended entitlement of a three hour session for all three and four year olds.

For nursery children entering Fig class, a meeting with parents and carers is planned and children can make several visits to prepare them for starting their part time nursery placement. A copy of our Fig admissions criteria is available in school.

Willow and Apple Reception class (statutory education)

Children wear school uniform, which is compulsory for reception children and older.

Attending Fig nursery class does not guarantee a place in our Reception classes - Willow and Apple. All parents and carers must apply for a school place through the Nottingham City Council co-ordinated application and admission process to request a place at the school they would like to attend, even if it is Dunkirk School. See above for the admission link.

An application form, guide to admissions and individual advice on the admissions process will be sent to parents and carers in the school year before the child reaches the age of five. Please ask if you are unsure as we can provide support if required.

Even though children start attending Reception in the September after they turn 4 , and once aged 5, their statutory education begins, they will remain in their current class of Willow or Apple so they can fully access the appropriate curriculum for their age and stage of learning.

A meeting for carers is held to explain the changes from nursery to reception. Parents do have the option of deferring their child’s entry until the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday.

For further information on the admission arrangements for all schools in Nottingham City, please go to