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Class and Curriculum Information

Welcome to our 'Class and Curriculum Information' page. Here you will find important information, routines and curriculum information for Mango and Oak Class.


In Year 2, we have a busy and exciting timetable. We have Maths, English, Reading and Phonics every morning and other subjects in the afternoon, including Science, Physical Education and Theme work. 

Reading and Spelling 

In Year 2, some children are continuing with their Phonics, whilst other children are developing their reading skills through story books and comprehension. Your child will also need to know how to spell some words automatically. You can support your child by practising words below. 

If you would like to support your child further, you can use these websites: - a free website - a paid subscription

BoomReader ParentsRemember to log any reading in your child's online reading diary which can be accessed at


You can support your child at home by logging onto Numbots, Times Tables Rockstars and Active Learn where they can practise the mathematical skills that they have been learning at school. Speak to your class teacher if you need help logging on.

Theme work: 

Autumn term: Please click here to access a PDF version of our knowledge organiser. 

Spring term: Please click here to access a PDF version of our knowledge organiser.                                                                                                                                   

Summer term: Please click here to access a PDF version of our knowledge organiser.



  • Your child does not need a P.E. kit at the moment but please ensure your child comes to school with sensible shoes, leggings or tracksuit bottoms and a polo shirt on PE days. 
  • Please tie all hair back and remove jewellery before the start of the day.